Accruent Meridian Enterprise Server 2020 R2 Administrator's Guide

Configure Thumbnail Generation

Meridian Explorer shows thumbnails of documents on the General property page. The thumbnails are generated from the source file and stored separately in the repository. As new revisions of the documents are imported into the repository, the thumbnails should be regenerated to show the latest content.

  • If Meridian Enterprise Server is installed on a separate server from Meridian Enterprise, set the name of the Meridian Enterprise server in the ServerMachine value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager View Control2 on the Meridian Enterprise Server computer. For more information about this setting, see the Accruent Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide.
  • Thumbnails are generated using the default viewer that is set as described in Configure the Viewer Options and the viewer must be installed on the Meridian Enterprise Server computer.

To configure thumbnail generation:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Repositories group, click Repositories. The All Repositories page appears and lists the existing Meridian Explorer repositories and Meridian Enterprise vaults.
  2. Double-click the name of the repository that you want to configure. The Overview page for the repository appears.
  3. In the menu, click MANAGEMENT TOOLS. The management tools for the selected repository appear.
  4. In the THUMBNAILS group, for the Generate thumbnails item, click EDIT. The THUMBNAIL SETTINGS dialog box appears.
  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
  6. Click UPDATE. The specified values appear in the THUMBNAILS group.
Thumbnail options
Option Description

Regenerate items that failed before

By default, if thumbnail generation fails for a document, that document will be skipped during the next thumbnail update. Enable this option to retry the document during each update.


The width of the thumbnail image in pixels. The default is 300.


The height of the thumbnail image in pixels. The default is 200.

Timeout in seconds

The amount of time in seconds to wait for thumbnail generation to complete before an error is entered in the event logs and processing proceeds to the next thumbnail.


The thumbnail process can stop responding if it encounters a problem in the source file.

To generate the thumbnails immediately:

  • In the THUMBNAILS group, for the Schedule item, click RUN. A background task is started and you can continue working.

To schedule thumbnail generation:

  1. In the THUMBNAILS group, for the Run or schedule this task item, click SCHEDULE. The SCHEDULE dialog box appears. This dialog box requires the same input as the Windows Task Scheduler.
  2. Configure the scheduled task to run when you require and then click SCHEDULE.The task is modified and will run on the configured schedule.